Do you feel pull of creative writing? A few of my long-term academic author clients are branching out into fiction. And I have some interest in that too. Fiction writing has always seemed beyond me, though I have a background as a poet and published a book of poetry several years ago. But recently I really enjoyed a short course on the craft of fiction writing. Learning about the basics of plotting and character development was fun and helped me in my coaching work with a writer who is revising her first novel.
So, I want to pass along some of the resources I’ve been consulting about revising fiction.
Two great books are: The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass and
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne & David King
And while academic authors can approach university press editors directly, fiction authors typically go through agents (especially if they want to be published by one of the big NY houses). A terrific resource to learn more about the process of working with an agent and to research agents is a website called Query Tracker. Here’s the link: